Finding Strength in Community
Alyssa Littlefield
Fort Worth, TX. This is where I was born and raised, this is where I met Ryan, this is where we got married, this is where both our kids were born, this is where we planned to raise our kids, this is where we specifically bought a house in the neighborhood zoned for the school we wanted our kids to attend, this is where my mom lived on our same exit and my in-laws lived two exits away, this is where we met our life-long friends. So you can imagine my anxiety when I found out we were moving three hours north to Oklahoma City.
Of course, at first, I was excited about the change. I was excited about seeing a new part of the country. The excitement wore off about three months in. Three months. That’s all it took for me to realize how much I missed living in Texas and how much I missed living near my family.
I cried a lot. I cried probably more than I ever had. I felt alone. My husband was there but he worked 40 hours a week. So when he was at work, it was just me and my kids in a new town without knowing anyone. I have never felt so alone. I longed to move back. I asked (more like begged) my husband every day to move back. Of course, moving here was actually a blessing that I just couldn’t see yet.
We moved to OKC in September and by January I knew that I had to do something. I couldn’t keep feeling like that especially when I knew we would be here for at least 2 more years. Enter Fit4Mom.
I had attended Fit4Mom classes in Fort Worth and loved them. So I looked to see if they had some here and they did. Not only did they have classes, but they also offered classes in my little city of Yukon. I made the decision that cold January morning to bundle up my kids and take them to a class. Not to be dramatic, but that decision changed my life.
I was immediately welcomed and felt like I fit right on in! My kids loved it and I even left with a playdate scheduled! That was the day when I finally felt like I could see myself actually being okay with living here. There is something powerful about community and being around women in the same season of life as you. Oh, and another bonus…it was an awesome workout! I was getting fit while being around friends while also being able to bring my kids and not having to worry about childcare. Win-Win-Win!
I have now been a member for over 2 years and it feels like family. Monthly Mom’s nights out, weekly play dates, and fun holiday parties are some of the fun additions that come along with Fit4Mom. I am forever grateful that I took a chance and tried my first class!
Now, you may be wondering how I feel about wanting to move back to TX. And yes, it is something that I want to happen eventually. But for now, I am happy with living in OKC. It has been a huge blessing for my family.