
The Sweetness of the Season: Spring

Each season of the year has special, unique features that bring us hope, peace, and joy. This is part two of a four-part series covering “The Sweetness of the Season” and what makes each season a time to cherish.

The Sweetness of the Season: Spring

Spring has sprung and there is evidence of new life all around. The colors of nature peaking through and slowly emerging as a sign that there is hope in new beginnings. The refreshing reminder that what may have once seemed broken, dark, or too far gone can regenerate and start again. The Spring season is full of some of the sweetest things in life.

Spring is one of my favorite seasons for so many reasons, but the feeling of rejuvenation and rebirth are at the top of the list. When Spring arrives it is like a weight is lifted and we can feel nature’s sigh of relief that we made it through the dark Winter months. It springs forth beautiful flowers, green grass, rain showers, and warmer temperatures. The sights and sounds of Spring are hard to beat.

As the days become longer we get the opportunity to be outside more and connect with family and friends. We feel the sun’s light and warmth back on our skin and soak in all its healing qualities. We celebrate meaningful holidays across cultures, symbolizing the new risen hope of the future. Egg hunts, delicious meals, and traditions all bring us closer. We might enjoy a picnic as a family (if our allergies and Oklahoma winds allow ha!) on a sunny Spring day. Daydreaming as we relax and feel our stresses melt away a little bit at a time. Looking up at the clouds, finding shapes and pictures, that tell a story of their own. A springtime breeze keeps the slightest chill in the air while making it feel perfect to enjoy nature. One of my favorite memories of Spring is sitting outside on our driveway watching the neighborhood kids play while talking with neighbors, or having a moment to discuss life with my spouse. Where winter kept us in, spring draws us out.

Spring means sports being in full swing and staying up a little too late because “the sun hasn’t gone to bed yet, so why should I?” Spring is the start of dinners cooked on the grill, fresh fruits and veggies, gardens growing, and fresh tulips picked from the flowerbed that have been waiting to bloom since the fall. The sweet sounds of birds chirping and the bees buzzing. The sounds of cheers for home runs hit on the baseball field, goals scored in soccer, and live music from weekend markets and festivals. Rain nourishes the Earth as it prepares for the heat and rising temperatures of summer days that are just around the corner. Leaving the sweet smell of replenished grass and soil, hydrated to yield new life. Watching it fall and feeling its cleansing power reminds you that you too can be washed clean when life get’s a little too overwhelming.

Spring comes at a time when the end of the school year is near and we need its rejuvenation to give us the boost of energy needed to cross the finish line. It comes at its perfect timing each year as it fills our souls with light, love, hope and restoration.

There is no denying, there is much to savor about Spring. It is full of beauty and caters to all of our senses. It is a breath of fresh air that fuels the soul and a time to cherish. While we hate to see it go, we know it will return again in all its sweet, beautiful ways.

See you next season as we look for all the sweetness of Summer!

Many Blessings,
